OK, OK so you’ve come to our site looking for the best Interserver coupon codes and deals. We got it and we hope you find the codes we have useful and up to your standards! But fir a few of our beloved readers the exact process of how to use a the promo codes we have posted might be a bit of a mystery. So here in this article we will try to make as crystal clear as possible how to do so. We will do the explaining just like we are at school – in short and yet simple steps so noone gets confused and misses out. And here we go:
Step 1:
Go to the home page of this website – this is the only place we post the Interserver coupon codes and special offers we have. In other potion of the site we talk about all kinds of things like reviews of other webhosting sites and useful tips for potential webmasters how to make more money with different software but the place for coupons is the home page. It will most likely look just like this image here:
Step 2:
Once you are on the home page just look around for the deals. They will usually be right on the top but if we find something new and exciting it might be a little lower in the post. It ain’t a huge post so you won’t have a problem locating it, we’re sure!
Step 3:
This is very very easy- just click on the big button that’s asking you to do so. When you press it 2 things will happen : 1 – the promo code will be automatically coped to the clipboard and 2. you will redirected to Interserver.net
Step 4:
Now that you are on Interserver’s website check out their hosting plans and pick the one that suits you best. They have options for everyone – from the brand new, just starting webmaster (pick the Shared plan to start on) all the way to the seasoned pros who might go for one of their super fast dedicated servers.
Step 5:
After you are done with your selection place the webhosting plan you desire to purchase in the shopping cart. Once it’s there you can begin the checkout process – fill up all the necessary information needed like your name, email and so on. At the bottom of the check out page is where the magic of saving money will happen – look for the “Do you have a promo code” box, right click it and “paste” the coupon code you have selected from Step 3. The code will be applied to your order and you be able to see right away he discount you’ve got!
And that’s it! super easy and really nothing to it. it’s most likely self explanatory but we felt like some of our users might need a little bitĀ of help so we hope this post was on pint and you find it useful.
Either way – enjoy the savings from Interserver and once you’re a customer – enjoy the lightning fast and reliable web hosting they have!